In the summer of 2016, I worked at Pixar Animation Studios as a Graphic Artist Intern. As part of the Art Internship, I was able to work on actual film production of: Cars 3 and Coco helping the art department with graphic artistry. For Cars 3 I helped develop the brand identity of two cars that race along Lightning Mc Queen: Vinyl Toupee and Bumper Safe. For both cars, the brief was to update their graphics to look "more modern" as it's stated on the story, to take them to the "Next Gen" look but keeping their personalities.
VINYL TOUPEE is a brand of vinyl spray cans that cars can use to have a nice vinyl toupee on the roof. When it came the moment to update his look I new what I wanted to achieve, something 80's vibe that looks kind of modern but stays retro.
In Cars World, Bumper Save is a banking company. For his "Next Gen" re-branding I knew I wanted to update his look with a tech feeling. Clear lines and using his palette to reflect the company but not too different from the current version in terms of color and type. Here's look of the character on previous films and the updated look for the next gen.
Here's the final look and some pics of my sketchbook where I hand-painted the letters to make it look natural as if it was done back in the time when they were originally painted in the movie. This lettering treatment managed to sneak in the toy line.
Logo for the buffer machine of one of the characters in the movie.